Allow True Self to Live At Last

The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. The paths to it are not found but made, and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination. — John Schaar

Richard Wang – Based on the evidence I’ve seen and the reports I’ve gotten from my sources, it’s crystal clear that we have a situation on our hands where some less-than-confident individuals are trying very hard to get you in their pockets, so to speak. I’m not going to name any particular names or spend my time trashing people I’ll be able to out-perform when we meet in person but what I will do is appeal to your sense of logic and good will, if I may.

I want you to please consider the fact that thousands of people have already seen footage of bribe attempts being made, and if you follow through with any biased calls tomorrow night in front of the entire world, you’re likely to lose your job or even worse be on the receiving end of some seriously life altering physicality that will render you incapable of performing your duties even if you aren’t terminated by the XWF immediately.

Why not take the smarter route? Why not use this chance to bring yourself up to a level you’ve never previously been on before – one where you don’t need to think about accepting bribes or “gifts” in exchange for your intentional corruption of competitive contests that could make or break the careers of others? Why not turn this into the best possible scenario for you and your future by accepting my offer this weekend?

That’s right, Rich. I’m making you an offer you can’t refuse. You see, I know why you’ve been an official for as long as you have. I know why you’ve kept yourself so close to the wrestling business as consistently as you have – you want in. You’ve wanted in since the first time you saw a professional wrestling match, and I don’t just mean wanting in as a referee. That’s nobody’s dream as they’re growing up. You, my friend, wanted to become a professional wrestler. I’m sure of it.

The problem was you were always told you were too small, or told you had other setbacks that would stop you from breaking into the business and finding yourself on a successful path. The reason those comments were a problem is because of one glaring reality – you accepted them as truth. You believed it when people would cut you down and dispose of your dreams with just a few quick breaths of hot air and dissuasion. As soon as you buy into somebody’s disbelief of your own hopes and dreams, you slaughter a future version of yourself that was entirely at your mercy and your mercy alone to one day become real. You aborted the very concept of Richard Wang the professional wrestler the day you decided you might be able to “at least” make it as a referee in the sport you love.

They say it’s never too late to make change, but I’m here to tell you it’s never too late to stop change. The change in your case was a robbery of your own potential and a sacrificing of your own future. As soon as you changed gears because of whatever influences caused your mind to stray from the road it once knew was paved for you, the ending was pre-written and just waiting to be published.

Here’s the bright side, though. The revelation that none of those guys trying to use you to their advantage will ever tell you – it’s not over, the ending isn’t here yet, and that version of you who knew he could be born into this reality is still hanging by a thread on the last few moments of life support possible.

Drop the chains, rip free the leash, and cast away the change you accepted for the worst long ago. Your time is now, and I’m the one who can help guide you to that reality which had been forged specifically for you since day one. I’ll take you under my wing, I’ll get you talking to the right people, and I’ll even help gather the funds you’ll need to make the transition back onto the journey you once felt ignited by deep within your heart and soul.

All you’ve got to do is one simple thing – call the match right down the middle, no matter what happens. Forget what you’ve been offered, give back whatever you’ve already received, and take that first step to transforming back into your true self once and for all. Embrace your individuality and your ability to create your own destiny, because you’ve already done it; it’s already created and it’s already waiting for you. Take it. Bask in it. Glorify it as you rise up past the doubters and leave behind the users.

It’s not going to come easy, Wang. It’s not going to be handed to you over night by any means. You’re going to have to bust your ass and subject yourself to levels of unwavering pain and punishment that are going to make your entire body feel like death. You’re going to have to embrace a form of discipline and relentlessness that only a small percentage of the people in this existence can call home – the men and women (and sometimes other) who will do whatever it takes to force their goals and dreams into an unbreakable reality that no one else can even come close to putting a dent in, let alone tear down.

100% fair calls. Right down the middle. No matter the cost because if you accept what you’ve been offered to sway things in the wrong direction tomorrow, you’re actually costing yourself something much greater than any of the bribes you’d be forgoing: Richard Wang, the pro wrestler, the athlete, the champion. Don’t cut his throat and take away his final chance at existing, Rich. Nothing is worth it. Nothing is worth being an empty shell, completely devoid of any true sense of self.

I’ll take you under my wing. I’ll get you on a nutritional plan that meets your precise needs. I’ll get you set up with a workout regimen that surpasses any of these guys’ routines you’ve been wasting your days counting pinfalls for. I’ll make sure you know which supplements to use, how to use them, and what tricks of the trade only the elite athletes around the world have come to know and embrace. I’ll be your connection to acquiring whatever it is you need to customize your own growth and ascension, Rich. I’ve got connects in the body building world, the power lifting world, the mixed martial arts world, the wrestling world, and so much more I can’t even get into detail here or my inbox will never stop blowing up.

Once you’re on the path I can take you down, your holistic training will take you to explosive growth that not even synthetic drugs can bring people. Your mind, body and soul will act as one connective conduit to the parts of your spirit and aura that transcend space and time, Rich. Do you understand what I’m saying to you? You’ll be something others only fantasize of becoming instead of being somebody everyone underestimates.

It’s all already laid out for you. It’s all there.

See it. Take it.

And call that match fairly tomorrow because the world knows the difference between my side of that battle line and the other side. There’s no comparison in the drive and fortitude, let alone the abilities that I and my team have on our side. All you’ve got to do is let destiny in, and let us do the rest.

I’ll see you tomorrow, Rich.

But more importantly, “tomorrow” you may finally see yourself.

Good night.


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