My Plea | Don’t Betray Yourself | Futures Can Swap

Allow True Self to Live At Last

The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. The paths to it are not found but made, and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination. — John Schaar

Richard Wang – Based on the evidence I’ve seen and the reports I’ve gotten from my sources, it’s crystal clear that we have a situation on our hands where some less-than-confident individuals are trying very hard to get you in their pockets, so to speak. I’m not going to name any particular names or spend my time trashing people I’ll be able to out-perform when we meet in person but what I will do is appeal to your sense of logic and good will, if I may.

I want you to please consider the fact that thousands of people have already seen footage of bribe attempts being made, and if you follow through with any biased calls tomorrow night in front of the entire world, you’re likely to lose your job or even worse be on the receiving end of some seriously life altering physicality that will render you incapable of performing your duties even if you aren’t terminated by the XWF immediately.

Why not take the smarter route? Why not use this chance to bring yourself up to a level you’ve never previously been on before – one where you don’t need to think about accepting bribes or “gifts” in exchange for your intentional corruption of competitive contests that could make or break the careers of others? Why not turn this into the best possible scenario for you and your future by accepting my offer this weekend?

That’s right, Rich. I’m making you an offer you can’t refuse. You see, I know why you’ve been an official for as long as you have. I know why you’ve kept yourself so close to the wrestling business as consistently as you have – you want in. You’ve wanted in since the first time you saw a professional wrestling match, and I don’t just mean wanting in as a referee. That’s nobody’s dream as they’re growing up. You, my friend, wanted to become a professional wrestler. I’m sure of it.

The problem was you were always told you were too small, or told you had other setbacks that would stop you from breaking into the business and finding yourself on a successful path. The reason those comments were a problem is because of one glaring reality – you accepted them as truth. You believed it when people would cut you down and dispose of your dreams with just a few quick breaths of hot air and dissuasion. As soon as you buy into somebody’s disbelief of your own hopes and dreams, you slaughter a future version of yourself that was entirely at your mercy and your mercy alone to one day become real. You aborted the very concept of Richard Wang the professional wrestler the day you decided you might be able to “at least” make it as a referee in the sport you love.

They say it’s never too late to make change, but I’m here to tell you it’s never too late to stop change. The change in your case was a robbery of your own potential and a sacrificing of your own future. As soon as you changed gears because of whatever influences caused your mind to stray from the road it once knew was paved for you, the ending was pre-written and just waiting to be published.

Here’s the bright side, though. The revelation that none of those guys trying to use you to their advantage will ever tell you – it’s not over, the ending isn’t here yet, and that version of you who knew he could be born into this reality is still hanging by a thread on the last few moments of life support possible.

Drop the chains, rip free the leash, and cast away the change you accepted for the worst long ago. Your time is now, and I’m the one who can help guide you to that reality which had been forged specifically for you since day one. I’ll take you under my wing, I’ll get you talking to the right people, and I’ll even help gather the funds you’ll need to make the transition back onto the journey you once felt ignited by deep within your heart and soul.

All you’ve got to do is one simple thing – call the match right down the middle, no matter what happens. Forget what you’ve been offered, give back whatever you’ve already received, and take that first step to transforming back into your true self once and for all. Embrace your individuality and your ability to create your own destiny, because you’ve already done it; it’s already created and it’s already waiting for you. Take it. Bask in it. Glorify it as you rise up past the doubters and leave behind the users.

It’s not going to come easy, Wang. It’s not going to be handed to you over night by any means. You’re going to have to bust your ass and subject yourself to levels of unwavering pain and punishment that are going to make your entire body feel like death. You’re going to have to embrace a form of discipline and relentlessness that only a small percentage of the people in this existence can call home – the men and women (and sometimes other) who will do whatever it takes to force their goals and dreams into an unbreakable reality that no one else can even come close to putting a dent in, let alone tear down.

100% fair calls. Right down the middle. No matter the cost because if you accept what you’ve been offered to sway things in the wrong direction tomorrow, you’re actually costing yourself something much greater than any of the bribes you’d be forgoing: Richard Wang, the pro wrestler, the athlete, the champion. Don’t cut his throat and take away his final chance at existing, Rich. Nothing is worth it. Nothing is worth being an empty shell, completely devoid of any true sense of self.

I’ll take you under my wing. I’ll get you on a nutritional plan that meets your precise needs. I’ll get you set up with a workout regimen that surpasses any of these guys’ routines you’ve been wasting your days counting pinfalls for. I’ll make sure you know which supplements to use, how to use them, and what tricks of the trade only the elite athletes around the world have come to know and embrace. I’ll be your connection to acquiring whatever it is you need to customize your own growth and ascension, Rich. I’ve got connects in the body building world, the power lifting world, the mixed martial arts world, the wrestling world, and so much more I can’t even get into detail here or my inbox will never stop blowing up.

Once you’re on the path I can take you down, your holistic training will take you to explosive growth that not even synthetic drugs can bring people. Your mind, body and soul will act as one connective conduit to the parts of your spirit and aura that transcend space and time, Rich. Do you understand what I’m saying to you? You’ll be something others only fantasize of becoming instead of being somebody everyone underestimates.

It’s all already laid out for you. It’s all there.

See it. Take it.

And call that match fairly tomorrow because the world knows the difference between my side of that battle line and the other side. There’s no comparison in the drive and fortitude, let alone the abilities that I and my team have on our side. All you’ve got to do is let destiny in, and let us do the rest.

I’ll see you tomorrow, Rich.

But more importantly, “tomorrow” you may finally see yourself.

Good night.


Story time | Memories | Who made me, me

Never be satisfied!

The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement. — Helmut Schmidt

I remember when I was in my teens and I was on the high school basketball team, it wasn’t uncommon for me to be the top scorer of the game, but then when I’d be practicing my shots at home in the driveway, something was always off. It was usually late at night that I’d have the time to practice my shots but that wasn’t necessarily the problem.

Shot after shot, brick after brick, I’d find myself wondering if I had lost my touch again. Eventually I’d hit the occasional lucky shot but I remember my father always telling me if I give up on the idea of luck, I’ll be unstoppable out there on the real courts. He’d always have some kind of comment or saying that made me rethink everything I was doing and how I looked at situations.

So I’d keep at it, demand the best out of myself, and command that ball to do as I say. The result? Swish – nothing but net. Next day at game time? Swish, swish, swish; 3 pointer, 3 pointer, 3 pointer. By the time I was on the court and had eyes on me from every direction, things just seemed so easy. Those shots were like hot knives through butter despite the doubt I had in my heart just the night before when I was on my own turf, using my own ball, in a private part of the world where I had every reason to have it easier instead of harder.

It made no sense – not to me, anyway. My dad on the other hand? He always seemed to “get” it. He always told me how my struggles at home in front of him would release the shackles of pressure and distraction in the big game.

I didn’t understand how he could be so right, but it never failed: the more I’d practice at home and face my frustrations head on when I thought I should be at my best, the better I’d be when it came to crunch time.

Then one day, for no reason at all, I just started thinking about the beautiful swirl some of my shots would perform as the ball would dance around the rim before falling through the net. I got to thinking about how the only time that happens is during a game or team practice; never at home in my own driveway with the hoop I should have been the most comfortable with at all. Then I started to think about how some of the shots I was sure were a guaranteed 3 pointer just got rejected by the rim like there was never a chance in hell of that ball going through. No bouncing or twirling around the edge at all – just a straight up ricochet back into the air.

So I asked myself a seriously stupid question at that point. “Could my basketball even be capable of showing me some of those same displays I see with my glorious shots elsewhere?” It’s like when you allow your mind to convince yourself that something can’t happen if foreign agent “A” is involved, or if you’re being watched by this specific person, or anything of the sort that just doesn’t make sense to believe – but you do, so it starts to seem true.

That’s when I grabbed a ladder and decided I was literally going to climb up and guide the ball in slow motion through some of the same trajectories and motions that I had been able to witness after shooting from several feet away anywhere else I had played. I climbed the ladder and looked at the ball as I held it in my hands, and I looked up close at the rim. I sensed something was off and then I felt those eyes upon me.

Alright, you got me. Busted.” – It was the voice of my father who had just started walking up the driveway and saw what I was doing. He knew I had finally reached the point where I couldn’t accept that I was any less great with my shots in just one particular spot in the world when I could damn near be blindfolded anywhere else and be scoring left and right to no end.

I remember I looked at him and had no idea what he was talking about but for some reason I thought I was the one who was busted. I thought I had done something wrong until the words he had said really had a chance to process in my mind. I got him? I busted him?

And the fact that for all that time I had been practicing at home with a ball ever so slightly larger than regulation size and a hoop ever so slightly smaller – it all made sense. He found a way to force me to believe in the requirement of constant improvement and the total absence of satisfaction. He found a way to make me, me. A way to make me unstoppable. Lesson learned: even if you’re the best, lie to yourself.  Force yourself to become even better or you’ll ultimately crash and burn in that comfortable seat you’ve taken.

Pure genius. I really do miss that man.


The Journey Begins Again. Again. Again.

The Aurora Effect is born!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

Hey guys – Today I want to write about something very exciting to me. I know a lot of you have heard the news already but for those who haven’t, I’ve been signed to a professional wrestling deal with an organization called the XWF: the X-treme Wrestling Federation.

No, it’s not the XWF started by Hulk Hogan and friends – that one doesn’t exist anymore.

It’s an XWF that is largely based in the States; however, they do have a strong presence in almost every country of the world that recognizes professional wrestling as either a sport or a form of raw entertainment. They’ve been in operation for nearly two decades, having been founded in 1999 at a time when professional wrestling was at its peak; and while the industry has certainly seen its fair share of challenges or setbacks, the XWF has been going strong that entire time and continues to build its legacy by showcasing some of the most incredible athletes and talents found in any ring around the globe.

Beyond that, the XWF is one of the few places you’ll find a surprisingly lax set of rules and requirements when it comes to who they’ll let through the doors and what they’ll allow of their roster members in and out of the ring. While this may be perceived as one of the company’s pros by many, there are some who would certainly list it as a con. I mean after all, some of the actions seen on their “X-treme Television” could be considered blatant crimes in almost any country of the world, yet the XWF seems to have one heck of a legal team backing it and its athletes as arrests and convictions for otherwise heinous crimes seem few and far between.

That’s where I may come in. You see, I’ve always found it necessary to be that balance in the world who can set records straight and be the difference maker when all else has been deemed hopeless. I strive to be the inspiration in an otherwise dismal path of existence and through my quest of constant self improvement, I also have found myself to be the motivational figure many people have needed in their lives to turn everything around and become the best version of themselves that they can possibly be. It’s a never ending cycle, as then I myself find incredible, strong minded people who will do whatever it takes to overcome their own personal obstacles and break the curses they once believed were in place to hold them down for life.

Never accept a downfall as something you can’t spring back up from. I’ve met people confined to wheel chairs who have the strength, perseverance and discipline to leave able bodied men and women in the dust behind them when it comes to true tests of strength and reserve. I know a guy with a skeletal disorder who can’t walk straight without crutches, but he’s in the gym every morning by 5 AM at the latest, busting his ass to take himself to levels most can only dream of. He’s obsessed, and will accept nothing less than to push the body God gave him to its unchained limits in hopes of one day competing on stage against the best bodybuilders in the world.

These are the kinds of people I surround myself with. These are the minds that motivate the hell out of me and make me think – “If this guy has this big of a challenge every day of his life and is still doing whatever it takes to win in life, think of what I can do from the position I’ve been gifted with in life; with my genetics; with my background.” And then I start realizing that no matter how many people compliment me or tell me they wish they could be like me, I’m actually nowhere near my own full potential – I’m nowhere near the place I should be with everything I’ve got going for me – and my journey has only just begun. Again. Again. And again.

So here we are with a whole new chapter in my ever expanding saga as the XWF serves as the platform for my next stage of evolution and transmutation. I may be entering a world with very little safeguards in place, very little rules, and very little concern for the laws of any land; but that’s just what I need in order to guarantee my body and more importantly my senses are at a peak they’ve never been forced to reach until now.

I don’t have a choice, now. With athletes the caliber of the XWF’s own Pestalance and Scully standing across the ring from me Saturday night, I’ve got to make sure I’m at a peak physical and mental condition that can crush any previous version of myself that has ever existed or competed on any stage, in any ring, or at any level before. With men bred of pure, unadulterated hatred like N.A.Z.I and Ron Cena in my sights, I’ve got to assume that likewise I’m already in the crosshairs of their instruments of death and devastation – and the thing is, they’re going to be coming in with intentions to hurt me a lot more than I want to hurt them.  Good.

And that, my friends, is exactly why they’re going to be the ones to suffer such an atrocity by my hands.

Because I’ve got … no … choice.

But more importantly, because I’ve got what I need. I’ve got that reason to transform into something I’ve never had to be before. I’ve got that motivational tool aimed right between my eyes and anything they already know about me needs to be outdated by the time they encounter me. Constant self improvement. Constant competition with oneself. I’ve got to leave myself in the dust if I want to break them in half and show the world what I’m really made of Saturday night.

Here’s the kicker though: I don’t need to do it alone. That’s right; I’ve got some serious backup on my side in the form of three teammates who’ll also do whatever it takes to not just protect themselves from the physical harm and dismemberment of their careers that the opposition would bestow upon them with glee, but in the process climb to golden heights as the survivors of our team will be receiving championship opportunities in the XWF soon after our triumph.

Vangis Greaves has already begun exposing the weaknesses of Ron Cena even before our match was booked, and I can see clear as day he’s got the fortitude and drive to get the job done in that ring Saturday night. He’s here for similar reasons to myself, has charisma and appeal that the majority of the opposition this week lack, and seeks to make just as big of an impact as I do in what I believe is also is first match in the XWF. I couldn’t be more thrilled to have that man on my side in this fight.

Jeremiah Dixon – Need us even ask if he plans to make an “impact” Saturday night? The man’s moniker is based off of that very intent. I’ve seen some of his work in the ring and I know for a fact he’s going to be just as valuable of an ally this week as Greaves will be. The three of us alone have the right frame of mind and the required set of tools to get the job done, and we’re hungry as hell for this. We don’t just want to go in and hurt people – we want to walk out of there after the match feeling like the eyes of the entire world are on us and we will accept nothing less! Bank on that.

Here’s the thing, though. It’s not just the three of us, no no, we’ve got a fourth guy on the team who at face value may seem like the most unstable and possibly the least courageous of the bunch but I know from experience that it’s men exactly like Jackie Peppers who often have the biggest, baddest, most dominating mutant inside of them once the right trigger is pulled. Jackie may seem nervous and uncertain, but what he will soon realize is that his fears and hesitations are for that of his opponents. Something within him is afraid to let loose and annihilate – possibly kill, knowing what can happen in the XWF – his opposition. He’s like that guy in high school who the girls all find attractive, and he can tell they’re flirting with him, but he’s just too afraid to react accordingly. He locks up and looks the other way or ignores them when they smile at him in the hallway, or try talking to him at lunch. The day will come, however, when something inside changes and finally allows that mysterious hold over his own emotions to be lifted. He’ll take that chance and go for it, and the next thing you know he’s having trouble figuring out which girl he wants to be exclusive with and is at risk of becoming a player if he can’t make up his mind.

That’s Jackie Peppers – The guy who has the tools he needs but he just hasn’t figured out how to allow himself the mental freedom to put them to work, but once he does, he’s going to risk slaughtering leagues of opponents in such a blinding fury that he’ll have to work hard to stop himself from being seen as the most violent, sadistic, ruthless killer the XWF has ever seen. He’s going to have to work hard just to stop at victory and not follow through to the criminal acts many of the bloodthirsty fans of the XWF would otherwise love him to execute on his prey.

Let’s all hope that day comes this Saturday. I hope Jackie reads my blog today and can find it within himself to embrace that power within. Seek the sensational high that can be had when you finally allow yourself to lunge claws first at the opposition and rip them to pieces. Stand tall beside myself, Greaves and Dixon. Let’s make it a clean sweep this Saturday night and prove that on that night, in that arena, was a moment in time where the very best of this era of XWF were assembled, and we unleashed a fury of power so inexorable that it could only be described as a beautiful, God given madness.

Come ready on Saturday night; Pestalance, Ron Cena, Scully and N.A.Z.I. Come with your teeth gritted and your fists clenched, ready to untether your hatred and anger, because we need you to be at your strongest and most threatening if we’re to shock the world.

I love this. I live for this. You’re only as good as the guys you’re up against, and I’m going against some of the very best this week.

See you all at Savage Saturday Night!
